Wednesday, September 20, 2006

John Reid is an Idiot part 76a

John Reid's latest endeavour to deal with muslim extremism seems to have sunk in harbour.

Our John's ideas is to call upon Muslim parents to keep an eye out for any signs of wanting to be a suicide bomber. Genius! What are the tell-tale signs? Wearing black? Mooching about looking miserable?hating the world? Acne? Good lord, they might be a Goth!

Seriously, this is again an example of how this Government continues to resort to an authoritarian and paternalistc approach to affairs. Islam is extremely touchy in regard to the privacy of family life. By making the speeches he has, John Reid has simply created even more disquiet amongst muslims at large, and causing them to build their walls higher. A lecture is not dialogue Mr Minister.

By behaving like osme befuddled grandfather, John Reid will not get his point across and provides an even more alien and hostile starting position to interact with Islam.

I actually own a Qu'ran, as well as several books on the nature of Islamic law. Even a cursory read of the history of Islam will prove that the angry radicalism in the name of Islam bears no resemblance to one of the greatest civilisations to have formed. Instead of emulating those who were closest to the direct lineage of the Prophet and His Companions, in producing the best philosphers, doctors, astronomers, jurists and military commanders, these angry young men seem to prefer to cling to ignorance and fuzzy dreams of 40 young virgins in Heaven.

To me, this is simply laziness of both an intelelctual and physical variety, as well as a comment about their success in finding a suitable partner in this existence.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006


I've been out of work since the end of May, having lived by the political sword, my employement died by it.

It's a very uncomfortable twilight world, of stress, uncertainty and ruled by the regular sweeps of the Guardian and other job pages. Every two weeks, I wander off to the job centre to sign on, indulge in some perfunctionary chatter with the PC jockey there and return home. Everything becomes a chore and a distraction whilst you try to gather enough enthusiasm to jump through hoops as if it's a new and fresh approach to life.

It is very very difficult to actually maintain a routine and self-discipline. Whilst I 'm not a complete slug (getting up and staying up at 7 30am each day), it is the concentration that is the first to go.
I've clocked up over 35 rejections, from about 60-70 applications since the beginning of June, and whilst the stylisation required for an applicaiton is easy to pick up, it is difficult to master.

Ironically, it is because I have earned most of my experience via the Liberal Democrats, I can't but help wonder to what extent this actually bites me back? I also have to deal with a seven year sojourn at university, when it should have taken three. Trying to find a job in the party does leave me wondering if there is a deliberate attitude to keep certain people out in the field simply because they are good in the field. Plausible, but shortsighted, especially if my continued activity in the name of the party is reliant on an income.

The experience itself raises a hell of a lot of questinos about the way social security is dealt with. I personally believe that unemployment fraud is rife, as I have no idea how you are supposed to function adequately on £54.75 a week, even with your housing benefit covered.

I also find it ridiculous that the type of support needed - CV advice, basic letter writing support, career reviewsd, etc - is not provided until you have been on the dole for six months. That is insane unless you actually view it from an accounting andp olicy ponit of view - that it is not that big a priority to get people into work or retrained at any faster rates, in order to help keep inflation down. To me this is insidious and cynical.

I recently got a letter in via Nick Clegg MP to query about why there isn't more effort to look at getting TA membership exempted form being considered. The TA is 2500 short of recruits at the moment, and does have a high churn of members. Ther is some exemption, but not all of yur TA income is exempt from consideration. Apparentyl, despite our forces being overstretched, the Government does not want to provide preferential treatment in regard to benefits, in spite of pressures elsewhere. So much for joined up government.

In the meantime, I'm left relying on this and my benefits whilst trying to find a job and maintain a level of fitness.

Monday, September 18, 2006

The Prologue

I'm still sceptical of blogging, preferring livejournal. Am not sure if it's the Thundering Herd a la Merril Lynch, or the bleating herd, with the swarm of amateur wits yet to to earn their wings. We shall see. I'm gonig ot keep thiso ne predominantly politics-based.

I'm not at Lib Dem conference, as although it's about an hour from London on the Thameslink, I am le pauvre liberal and am more interested in finding a job. It's a pity really, as there are debates on defence and the environment I would have liked to have participated in.